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Cryptocoinhub Wallet Api.

Simple API for Cryptocoinhub Wallet users to send and receive bitcoin payments.
The Cryptocoinhub Wallet API provides a simple interface Merchants can use to programmatically interact with their wallet.


To use this API, you will need to run small local service which be responsible for managing your Cryptocoinhub Wallet. Your application interacts with this service locally via HTTP API calls Click here for complete setup instructions on GitHub.

Making Outgoing Payments

Send bitcoin from your wallet to another bitcoin address. All transactions include a 0.0001 BTC miners fee. All bitcoin values are in Satoshi i.e. divide by 100000000 to get the amount in BTC. The Base URL for all requests:$guid/. $guid should be replaced with your Cryptocoinhub Wallet identifier (found on the login page). http://localhost:88000/merchant/$guid/payment?password=$main_password&second_password=$second_password&to=$address&amount=$amount&from=$from&fee=$fee

  • $main_password- Your Main cryptocoinhub wallet password
  • $second_password- Your second Cryptocoinhub Wallet password if double encryption is enabled.
  • $to- Recipient Bitcoin Address.
  • $amount- Amount to send in satoshi.
  • $from- Send from a specific Bitcoin Address (Optional)
  • $fee- Transaction fee value in satoshi (Must be greater than default fee) (Optional)

Response: 200 OK, application/json
                      "message": "Response Message",
                      "tx_hash": "Transaction Hash",
                      "notice": "Additional Message"
                      "message": "Sent 0.1 BTC to 1A8JiWcwvpY7tAopUkSnGuEYHmzGYfZPiq",
                      "tx_hash": "f322d01ad784e5deeb25464a5781c3b20971c1863679ca506e702e3e33c18e9c",
                      "notice": "Some funds are pending confirmation and cannot be spent yet (Value 0.001 BTC)"

Create Wallet API

Create Cryptocoinhub wallets programmatically The create_wallet method can be used to create a new bitcoin wallet.

  • URL: http://localhost:88000/api/v2/create
  • Method: POST or GET
  • $main_password- The password for the new wallet. Must be at least 10 characters in length.
  • $api_code- An API code with create wallets permission.
  • $priv- A private key to add to the wallet (Wallet import format preferred). (Optional)
  • $label- A label to set for the first address in the wallet. Alphanumeric only. (Optional)
  • $email- An email to associate with the new wallet i.e. the email address of the user you are creating this wallet on behalf of. (Optional)
Response: 200 OK, application/json

                      "guid": "4b8cd8e9-9480-44cc-b7f2-527e98ee3287",
                      "address": "12AaMuRnzw6vW6s2KPRAGeX53meTf8JbZS",
                      "label": "Main address"

Send Many Transactions

Send a transaction to multiple recipients in the same transaction.


  • $main_password- Your Main Cryptocoinhub wallet password
  • $second_password- Your second Cryptocoinhub Wallet password if double encryption is enabled.
  • $recipients- Is a JSON Object using Bitcoin Addresses as keys and the amounts to send as values (See below).
  • $from- Send from a specific Bitcoin Address (Optional)
  • $fee- Transaction fee value in satoshi (Must be greater than default fee) (Optional)
Response: 200 OK, application/json
                      "1JzSZFs2DQke2B3S4pBxaNaMzzVZaG4Cqh": 100000000,
                      "12Cf6nCcRtKERh9cQm3Z29c9MWvQuFSxvT": 1500000000,
                      "1dice6YgEVBf88erBFra9BHf6ZMoyvG88": 200000000

The above example would send 1 BTC to 1JzSZFs2DQke2hgrr6BxaNaMzzVZaG4Cqh, 15 BTC to 12Cf6nCcRtKERh9cQm3Z29c9MWvQuFSxvT and 2 BTC to 1dice6YgEVBf88hynBFra9BHf6ZMoyvG88 in the same transaction.

Response: 200 OK, application/json
                      "message": "Response Message",
                      "tx_hash": "Transaction Hash"
{ "message": "Sent To Multiple Recipients", "tx_hash": "f322d01ad784e5deeb25464a5781c3b20971c1863679ca506e702e3e33c18e9c" }

PHP Example

                    $amounta = "10000000";
                    $amountb = "400000";
                    $addressa = "1A8JiWcwvpY7tAopUkSnGuEYHmzGYfZPiq";
                    $addressb = "1ExD2je6UNxL5oSu6iPUhn9Ta7UrN8bjBy";
                    $recipients = urlencode('{
                      "'.$addressa.'": '.$amounta.',
                      "'.$addressb.'": '.$amountb.'
                    $json_url =
                    $json_data = file_get_contents($json_url);
                    $json_feed = json_decode($json_data);
                    $message = $json_feed-{'>'}message;
                    $txid = $json_feed-{'>'}tx_hash;

Fetching the wallet balance

Fetch the balance of a wallet. This should be used as an estimate only and will include unconfirmed transactions and possibly double spends.http://localhost:88000/merchant/$guid/balance?password=$main_password

Response: 200 OK, application/json
                      "balance": "Wallet Balance in Satoshi"
{ "balance": 1000 }

Listing Addresses

List all active addresses in a wallet. Also includes a 0 confirmation balance which should be used as an estimate only and will include unconfirmed transactions and possibly double spends.


Response: 200 OK, application/json
                      "addresses": [
                          "balance": 1400938800,
                          "address": "1Q1AtvCyKhtveGm3187mgNRh5YcukUWjQC",
                          "label": "SMS Deposits",
                          "total_received": 5954572400
                          "balance": 79434360,
                          "address": "1A8JiWcwvpY7tAopUkSnGuEYHmzGYfZPiq",
                          "label": "My Wallet",
                          "total_received": 4538800048335
                          "balance": 0,
                          "address": "17p49XUC2fw4Fn53WjZqYAm4APKqhNPEkY",
                          "total_received": 0

Getting the balance of an address

Retrieve the balance of a bitcoin address. Querying the balance of an address by label is depreciated. http://localhost:88000/merchant/$guid/address_balance?password=$main_password&address=$address

  • $main_password- Your Main Cryptocoinhub wallet password
  • $address- The bitcoin address to lookup
Response: 200 OK, application/json
                      "address": "The Bitcoin Address Generated",
                      "label": "The Address Label"
{ "address": "18fyqiZzndTxdVg569ouRogB4uFj86JJiy", "label": "Order No : 1234" }

Generating a new address


  • $main_password- Your Main Cryptocoinhub wallet password
  • $second_password- Your second Cryptocoinhub Wallet password if double encryption is enabled.
  • $label- An optional label to attach to this address. It is recommended this is a human readable string e.g. "Order No : 1234". You May use this as a reference to check balance of an order (documented later)
Response: 200 OK, application/json
                      "address": "The Bitcoin Address Generated",
                      "label": "The Address Label"
{ "address": "18fyqiZzndTxdVo7g9ouRogB4uFj86JJiy", "label": "Order No : 1234" }

Address Management

Archiving an address

To improve wallet performance addresses which have not been used recently should be moved to an archived state. They will still be held in the wallet but will no longer be included in the "list" or "list-transactions" calls.

For example if an invoice is generated for a user once that invoice is paid the address should be archived.

Or if a unique bitcoin address is generated for each user, users who have not logged in recently (~30 days) their addresses should be archived. http://localhost:88000/merchant/$guid/archive_address?password=$main_password&second_password=$second_password&address=$address

Response: 200 OK, application/json
                      "archived": "18fyqiZzndTxdVo7g9ouRogB4uFj86JJiy"

Unarchive an address

Unarchive an address. Will also restore consolidated addresses (see below). http://localhost:8800/merchant/$guid/unarchive_address?password=$main_password&second_password=$second_password&address=$address

  • $main_password- Your Main Cryptocoinhub wallet password
  • $label- The bitcoin address to unarchive
Response: 200 OK, application/json
                      "active": "18fyqiZzndTxdVjhtg9ouRogB4uFj86JJiy"

Cryptocoinhub Was among the initial platforms to simplify the process of converting cryptocurrency into standard currency and transferring it to bank accounts.


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